Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not Your Everyday Chrysanthemum


I cannot tell a lie. Like daisies, I've never really been a huge fan of mums. Most of my experience with either family has been the common grocery store kind. Chrysanthemums were the flowers you bought when everything else around you was dying. I accepted them for what they were: arrangements placed next to pumpkins properly as a backdrop against the front door.

Interestingly enough, I am not the only one with this "less than pleasant" outlook. According to a column written in the Victoria Times: "Chrysanthemums are among the top five most cultivated flowers in the world. In Japan, Britain and the United States, more chrysanthemums are sold than any other cut flower. They used to mark the milestones in our lives, from weddings to funerals, and Mother's Day flowers were always "mums" in pots or cut flowers. Yet, when I conducted an informal poll, I found mums ranked second only to carnations as a least favourite cut flower."

But then I started working with them more. They are a hardy flower and work really well in arrangements. The image above is an example of one of my favorite exceptions: Yoko Onos. (tbc)

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